Student theses

Florian Siegmund
School of Engineering Science, University of Skövde, Sweden

Here you can find thesis projects that I was supervising.

Fall 2015

Edgaras Norkus - Dynamic Resampling in Guided Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization for Industrial Systems Simulation

Fall 2014

Pablo Enrique Martinez Lopez - Preference Guided Optimization of an Industrial Production Line

Seyed Ruhollah Kashfi - Towards Evaluation of the Adaptive-Epsilon-R-NSGA-II algorithm (AE-R-NSGA-II) on industrial optimization problems. [Download]

Fall 2013

Mohammad Kousha - Automatic Template Generation in Product Data Management Systems

Iman Morshedzadeh - Data Classification in Product Data Management

Spring 2013

Ana Huertas Dominguez - Simulation Modelling and Optimization for Internal Logistics in VCE